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Chinese translation for "electron-phonon coupling"


Related Translations:
phonon:  n.【物理学】声子〔晶体点阵振动能的量子〕。
phonon creation:  声子产生
phonon liberation:  声子逸出
phonon track:  声子径迹
phonon broadened:  声子增宽
phonon laser:  声子激光器
ion phonon:  离子声子
phonon conductivity:  声子热导率
virtual phonon:  虚声子
phonon emission:  声子发射
Example Sentences:
1.A review of the cmr mechanism in perovskites . this chapter gives review of cmr mechanism , earlier research works on gmr mechanism are listed . some special physics concepts , such as double exchange ( de ) , jahn - teller ( j - t ) effect , electron - phonon coupling , are interpreted
第三章综述了对钙钛矿结构氧化物巨磁电阻效应机制的研究,对cmr产生机理做了简单的介绍,并对诸如双交换( de )作用、 jahn - teller效应、电荷有序等物理概念有所认识的基础上总结了已经报道的对巨磁电阻效应机制的研究,最后指出探索cmr效应及其相关现象的途径。
2.The results indicate that in niobate glasses , as the concentration of nb2o5 increases , the covalence becomes strong , the symmetry becomes low and the electron - phonon coupling becomes strong , thus the lifetimes become short , the nonradiative transition processes and the temperature - quenching become strong and the value of crystal field parameter b20 becomes small
( 6 )研究了妮硅与妮磷系列玻璃发光特性与组份的关系,发现随着nbzos浓度的增加, eu一o键共价性增强,局域环境对称性降低,电一声子祸合增强从而导致sd 。
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